Wednesday, March 25, 2015


 "Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thess. 5:18). I posted this verse on my refrigerator a couple weeks ago so that I would see it everyday. I have to remember daily to be thankful for every situation in my life. Some days this is easier than others, but it's amazing how just remembering to be thankful can completely change your attitude. 
    Just recently we spent two separate occasions in the ER at LeBonheur because Breckin's feeding tube came out. One time it was in the middle of the night so we spent 11:00pm-3:00am at the hospital, and the next time it took up our whole Saturday afternoon. In these situations though, instead of complaining, I tried to be thankful. I was thankful that I have a supportive husband to accompany me to these visits, and we actually used the waiting time to have some quality time together. I also was so thankful that we were only there with Breckin for something simple and not because she was sick or injured.
    Throughout this whole flu and RSV season, I have been so thankful that Breckin has stayed well. She spent 6 weeks in the hospital and had two surgeries while there and she stayed well. She never had any type of infection, virus, or even a cold. That is something to be thankful for even with a heart-healthy child! 
     I am so thankful for health insurance! Our LeBonheur stay in the NICU was an astronomical amount well over a quarter of a million dollars, and that was just the stay itself. That didn't include all the tests and labs and all the doctor's and surgeon's fees. Yes we have a high deductible, but that is nothing compared to what we would be paying if it weren't for insurance. I am also so thankful for the many many monetary contributions and gift cards from loved ones near and far and some people I don't even know. This has enabled us to pay bills, get groceries, buy diapers, and get Breckin's medications. God has completely provided for every one of our needs and it's amazing to see how he has worked through others to meet these needs.
     Everyday, I am thankful that Breckin has her feeding tube so we don't have to worry if she is getting enough nutrition. She may not be able to take all her milk by mouth, but we can give it to her this way. I am thankful that she has started to sleep through the nights most evenings. From everything I read before she was born, most heart babies aren't sleeping through the night for their first year. I am also so thankful she's gaining weight. This is another thing heart babies sometimes have a hard time doing, but she is steadily gaining and I'm loving all those fat rolls!
     I am also so very grateful to have such a supportive family, especially my husband. We make a great team, and I honestly don't know what I would do without him. He is very proactive in Breckin's care and it is so nice to be able to share the responsibilities with him. During the nights where Breckin wakes up several times, we usually take turns getting up with her. We may both be tired the next day, but at least we can both understand how the other is feeling. It's also nice having another person to help get the girls ready for bed at night and ready for church or school in the morning. I am in awe of all those single moms out there!
     It sounds crazy, but I am grateful that Breckin is able to undergo heart surgeries. There are babies who are born with her same heart condition whose hearts are too weak to withstand surgery. Their only hope for survival is a heart transplant. They then have to just wait for a heart to become available and in the meantime a lot of these babies are just "living" in the hospital for a while. So I am thankful that as many defects as Breckin's heart has, her heart is strong enough to withstand the repairs that it will need. 
    I could go on and on with so much more that I am thankful for, but these are just some examples of the things I am grateful for on a daily basis. New things constantly pop up in my day and no matter how negative or frustrating or unfair they seem, I try to be thankful for whatever comes my way. I know that God is sovereign and that He is good!


                Harper is such a sweet big sister
                                               Loving the smiles!
              Just want to squeeze those chubby cheeks!